Saturday, October 15, 2016


Late late lame

ACL Week Two

Hickoids were on earlyish at the Hole. In fact we were so early I almost missed the set! I showed up, plugged in, got a drink and we were on. GO!! Our set was decent. The crowd was nowhere near what we'd had the weekend before, seems like the big festival crowd can' make it above MLK. Oh well... We rocked it.

It was the typical two stage setup, back and fourth, bam bam bam. Meet your death was after us up front. Cool set, but Walters amp popped so he didn't sound like his usual self.

Sailor Poon was next in the back. I could barely understand what was being sung, but that didn't matter. They were great! I really liked them. As a matter of fact they have a bass player and a drummer that work pretty well together. Hmm...

Beaumonts were last and upfront. Their penises looked HUGE up on that little stage. I took off around the half way point, they were killing it and there was no reason to believe that wouldn't continue.

And that was all the ACL for me. I wasn't on the bill the next night, I was gonna go but by 9PM I was still in my underwear and I'd poured myself a whiskey so...

And AND The fellas (with Odie as my sub) are curremtly on the east coast and about to head over to Europe (bastards, without ME!!!!) Go see them! And tell em you miss RICE!!

Friday, October 7, 2016


ACL night two.

Hickoids were last at the White Horse. I got there just as Chrissy Flatt's new group (New Mystery Girl) was going on. Hell of a good set. For years she was doing more of a folky solo (sometimes with a band) set. Now it's a lot more rocking and I think it fits her better. Nice work lady!

Pat Todd and the Rank Outsiders were back in Austin! And of course they whipped ass. Fuck, it's really good to see, hear and play with those guys again. I can't really add much, nothing has changed since the last time we played with them. Other than all of us ageing...

Our set was a good sloppy mess. A decent chunk of the (big) festival crowd stuck around for our stupidity. They were drunk and there was still music.. why not! During one tune Lance broke his kick pedal. I kept playing till he straightened it out, a lame ass bass odyssey that shouldn't have been heard by anyone... But I had no choice. With the show going on and all.

We finished with the lights on. The crowd was quickly tossed and the night ended with a bit of a whimper...

More next week.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


First Night of ACL. We were at the Lost Well and it was costume night. What a bunch of silly ass shit... Grannies, Fishermen so much fun.

The Shut-Ups started things off with a loud as shit set on the floor of the club. The drummer was in front of the bass and drums. I think they are a total improv group (in costumes!). At some point the drummer was on the bar with his floor tom on his head. Not balancing it there, he'd broken through the top head and was playing the sides of it with his sticks. Awesome!

I was with the Swishbucklers. We were on second and had a rocking little set. I love getting to play guitar! One of the regular 'bucklers couldn't make it so all of the lead lines were mine and I whipped the shit out of them. Through the magic of over amplified guitar, one little move can send you off to feedback heaven. Glorious. 

Fishermen and Grannies did the usual ass kicking. Nothing special, just the regular greatness.

The night went on, I left before The Upper Crust and Chasca started... Full on lameness on my part. It can't be helped.

Hickoids at the White Horse tomorrow.