Sunday, February 9, 2020


Last night it was a double up with Bigfoot and Harvey at the Black Sparrow out in Taylor. Made the drive and set up both bass and guitar rigs. Might as well lend them out since I’ll be there and using both. 

Right after he got there Harvey’s piano took a dive and the action got all screwed up.  As in a lot of keys didn’t work at all.  Fuck. We covered as well as we could but it was kinda hurting. Next time....

Bigfoot went up and we had a decent one. Couple of newish things here and there and plenty of the same old... not a bad set.  We might be in an upswing!!

Beautiful Delilah’s closed it out, but because I had to work at 8am in the morning I drove my ass home!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2020


This was a Bigfoot show at Kick Butt. We were last out of four or five bands. I didn’t pay that much attention to the names of them... but they were all pretty dam rocking. I love that. Knowing no one and having a blast watching REALLY good stuff. 

We even had a decent set. We are starting to sound like a real group again as we all learn how to play in the new lineup. 

Nothing magical happened we just kinda held it down and rocked it. Loads of fuckups and plenty of room for improvement, but a solid step forward.  

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Im back!!!

It’s been forever, no shows in what feels like forever. Strange timing when all of the bands I’m in had nothing for almost three months. I took full advantage of it with some quality fucking off and a few trips!

So it was the Harvey band at the Sahara the other night. Same show that Bigfoot was playing with Pinkus and Danny B. And everything was just like it should be. We had zero rehearsal before the set!! Smart. 

Our set was as good as it could be. Nothing glorious happened but we held it down decently. 

Looking forward to getting a lot of playing with these dudes in the next bit.