Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Another day at Jovitas. My buddy Ken Jones (aka Poetken) asked me to join him in a little round robin songwriter swap. I did and it was fun. I am not into the whole four songwriters on the stage playing one song each going around and around (I've played this way and it's been called a guitar pull, one of the worst names). Most of my songs are two and a half minutes long and when your followed by three others that have songs four to five minutes long you get kinda bored. The "mini set" route is so much cooler. Three songs each and switch. It gives you time to build a little something. Three songs about murder, love or sex. Or some of each really changes the dynamic of a boring songwriters night.


The staff was the same as the last show so everything was great there. My solo setup Is so good it hurts. My Guild jazz box into that Top Hat portly cadet is so sweet I could explode. 5 Watts of dreamy goodness.

Monday, November 7, 2011


It's back to me and the "girls". Wiley's first show/ 5th rehearsal/ 2nd time to play with us with a full drum kit and it was pretty damn great. The "band" before us was a couple of older gentlemen with a couple of mics and some weird black tower they sat the computer on. The computer had the music they sang to. They did hits like "The Girl From Ipanema" and "Unchained Melody" and they mentioned something about releasing a cd...

After us was Chuck's Wagon. Three guys from Australia and two from Central TX. Some pretty bad assed straight up country with a little edge to it. Fine stuff. They opened for the Hickoids here.


It was at Jovitas and the beers are cheap and the crowd was decent. The LPB-1 still rules. A nice and simple Saturday night.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hickoids have been on a little break (and are on one again until NYE) but we snuck one in last saturday.
Uncle Billy's out in the Oasis complex near lake Travis. I haven't been to the Oasis in years, they always hyped being on the deck to watch the sunset, with ALL of the new decks I am certain they have pushed that to the limit.


Billy's is just one of the may parts of this bar/restaurant complex. It's a brewpub and I am very happy to say the porter was excellent and free! (the first sign of a good place) They fed us (second sign) and paid us (trifecta!). I could get spoiled by this.
Tom filled in on drums (Jonie Hell was in Vegas, bastard) and Lutz filled in on the 5th man duties. The sound guy was really cool, but he had his work cut out for him. Mixing in a glass concrete huge room has got to be the hardest thing, but he made it sound really good.