This is way late. I'd picked up a cold front one of the thousand joints I'd shared up in KC and at this point of the tour I felt like shit.
It's a lame excuse but it's true.
We drove down from Dallas to Bend TX on some pretty country roads that I didn't give a shit about seeing. I'm sure it was real nice but when your backed up with a head full of snot and your entire respiratory is raw you just want that shit over with.
As usual there wasn't much of a crowd at Bob's but the folks that were there we kind as usual. We got fed, sodaed, watered and we played a couple of sets on a sunny Monday afternoon.
I was out cold for the drive back to my place. Someone woke me up when we got there. I would have spent the next day in bed if I didn't have to go to work the next day. 8:45am came way too early.