Late, late, late...
The Ladies had a hell of a show the other night. We were at the Hard Luck and we went on a little after the sun went down so it was a little cooler than when the openers went on. Still hot as shit but cooler.
We kinda whipped it. After a couple of months without shows and a couple of rehearsals before this one we were ready to kill. And we did. We even pulled out a new one we'd worked up a pretty cool arrangement on. Right before the peak we layer each instrument on before all of us and pounding away at it while BC and I are howling at full volume.
Good sweaty fun.
The Ladies had a hell of a show the other night. We were at the Hard Luck and we went on a little after the sun went down so it was a little cooler than when the openers went on. Still hot as shit but cooler.
We kinda whipped it. After a couple of months without shows and a couple of rehearsals before this one we were ready to kill. And we did. We even pulled out a new one we'd worked up a pretty cool arrangement on. Right before the peak we layer each instrument on before all of us and pounding away at it while BC and I are howling at full volume.
Good sweaty fun.