Wednesday, January 31, 2018


It was one of those "oh shit kinda" nights...

Bigfoot was on at the Hard Luck playing after The Beautiful Delilahs. It was cold as hell.... Like 38 degrees and it's always outdoor there. And (sigh) And I thought it was at the Lost Well and I dressed for an inside show... So stupid. Life has been on top of me for the past little while so I "put" us in another club where it was warm!!! Wish I'd layered better.

Delilahs were killing it and looking warm, moving up around there on the stage. I know the lights are LED's but the looked toasty. I was even envious because the stage isn't concrete and it would be warmer than where I was standing. 

Our set was pretty good considering. I asked that we play a slow one to start off, my hands couldn't deal with the cold! Anyway, we played pretty good and the turnout was decent considering it was 38 degrees outside...