Friday, February 23, 2024


 Last time with Dave (and Skizz)! At east until he comes back up here again on some kind of tour.  He is one of “those people” and there is a really good chance that is gonna happen some point in the nearish future. 

We were out in Rockville at a place called Hank Diedle’s.  It’s a nice little room, I’d never played there but Smitty was road managing for a group and they came through and we met up there. There were a load more people that night….

Anyway, we went up and did two rocking sets and the crowd was thin but enthusiastic, all that really matters. 

Nothing spectacular, just three dudes throwing down in a semi-empty place on a Wednesday night. Maybe not spectacular but pretty magical!

Friday, February 2, 2024


We were hoping to hear back from United Baptist but we did not. In fact we are still hoping but we haven’t yet. Didn’t stop Terelle from getting us another gig at another church. The man is motivated.  

This week it was United Heritage a place pretty close to my house and a really nice looking place with a bunch of incredibly sweet people. This is a theme. 

The music pastor (I think that is the correct title) is a woman named Jessica and when i met her she said “I’m a hugger, prepare”. How are not gonna like someone like that?!

There were just three of us playing, bass, drums and piano. And three singers! You could feel it in the next county. 

I am spacing on everybody’s  name but the piano player was a kick to play with. I sat right behind him and he was throwing fingers up so I was on the right chord. His left pinky meant “go to the six!”

Jessica was one of the singers and there were two other fellas as well (they were saying pre covid they had a full band/singers and horn section.  That would have been unreal to see. Better to play with!

Anyway we did  a total of five tunes that were all pretty groovy and felt good.  Everyone was in Ravens gear for the game they would eventually lose later in the day. I am not a sports fan or even a religious man, but I felt it all on that Sunday. Killed me when they lost.  

At one point one of the singers and I were talking he was saying “I really don’t like this modern gospel music, they are always going to the four… I do not like that”. I don’t even know if he is correct but I love that he feels that strongly about it!