Monday, August 8, 2016


Hickoids played a benefit at the Spider House the other night. It wasn't actually at the Spider House, it was at the place next door. The one that use to be a plasma "donation" joint. Anyway, we played there.

I'm actually pretty clueless as to what the benefit is for other than a lady who I think worked there or is friends with folks who work there or is in the "scene" around the club. 

Fuck I'm clueless... It's only a few days later and I actually can't remember who else was on the bill... I know I met a couple of cool folks once we finished and I remember I had to pay for my beer (all of it) and I remember heading home early, but that's about it. Other than our set.

It was decent. It took a while to get going. Cody's gear was fucked (standard) and Smitty said he wasn't feeling so hot so we weren't peak Hickoids, but I had fun and I thought I played my ass off!

Good enough for me.

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