Saturday, September 24, 2016


Playing a show when your sick sucks. Loading the gear, driving, talking, smiling and even standing for 45 consecutive minutes sucks... But sometimes you play really good!

Bigfoot was at the Local last night. We were near the end of a bunch of bands for some tribute show... I wasn't really paying that much attention, I felt like shit. But the Coffee Sargent's were on before us and had a great set. They had two guitars, two keys, bass and drums and it sounded like one big beautiful mass.

I have a new bass and I hadn't even had a rehearsal with it so i was a little nervous about playing the show. I brought the old one but it stayed in the case. The new one is bad as hell. Even my sick ass could tell I have a really nice new machine. It's new. Only my second time with a new bass in my life and the last one was a $200 hunk of left-handed crap. The new one is lovely.

Our set was good. I only sang one and I was barely able to get through it. All of us have been sick in the last few weeks so no one was !00%. But you can really get a good performance when three fifths of a group are high with fever.

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