Saturday, October 1, 2016


First Night of ACL. We were at the Lost Well and it was costume night. What a bunch of silly ass shit... Grannies, Fishermen so much fun.

The Shut-Ups started things off with a loud as shit set on the floor of the club. The drummer was in front of the bass and drums. I think they are a total improv group (in costumes!). At some point the drummer was on the bar with his floor tom on his head. Not balancing it there, he'd broken through the top head and was playing the sides of it with his sticks. Awesome!

I was with the Swishbucklers. We were on second and had a rocking little set. I love getting to play guitar! One of the regular 'bucklers couldn't make it so all of the lead lines were mine and I whipped the shit out of them. Through the magic of over amplified guitar, one little move can send you off to feedback heaven. Glorious. 

Fishermen and Grannies did the usual ass kicking. Nothing special, just the regular greatness.

The night went on, I left before The Upper Crust and Chasca started... Full on lameness on my part. It can't be helped.

Hickoids at the White Horse tomorrow.

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