Friday, March 14, 2014


Day two was easy, I only had one show and it was earlyish. HIckoids were gonna go on at the Spider House around 5:30, but that got pushed back to 7. They had three stages set up (usually there are only two) and all of them were rocking, hard. They were rocking so hard hard that during our set you could hear the other two bands playing between songs. There was another temporary venue across the street, in a parking garage under a building and you could hear them as well.  Antone's Records had stuff going on. You couldn't hear it but it was still happening right there on the same block. During SXSW there is music everywhere. Do you have a trailer? Can we put on a show I. It? I know some bands that are coming to town and...

We got up and did our thing on some pretty sketchy backline equipment. They had me going through a 2X10" cab... Tom was using a Chinese Vox amp that was an equally horrible piece of shit as the amp I was using and the drums fell apart on Lance three or four times during the set (in the middle of the break on one tune, Smitty put part of the kit back together so Lance could keep playing.) 

I know it sounds like I'm bitching about the "inferior equipment", I'm not.  Getting to use a crappy backline beats the hell out of having to screw around with my own gear during the fest. It's a lot easier to park and walk to the show then it is to load, drive, unload, park and go do the show and then do it all again in the reverse order when you're finished. And there's a multiplier on that when your doing it in a town that's overrun with folks trying to do the exact same thing that you are... And your all fighting for the same parking place.

I only got to see two other bands. A Pony Named Olga, and Crying Nut. Olga is from Germany and they are a surf/rockabilly trio with an upright bass (and are on Smitty's label) . They whip ass in a big way. Their version of "Caravan" has been running through my head on a loop since yesterday. Crying Nut is a band from South Korea that plays Mexican music. And that is the reason I love SXSW.

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