Friday, October 3, 2014


Hickoids did an abbreviated set for Sun Radio at Gueros the other night. We went on before the sun went down and that's pretty early for a bunch of idiots like us. Gueros fed us and gave each of us a couple of drinks (yeah!) so we were set up for success, but it didn't really work out that way...

First off, no cussin. It's a radio show so we had to keep it clean, that is a hard request for the Hickoids. More than anything the format threw us off. We played two or three tunes then Smitty was interviewed for five minutes, repeat. We did that three times. We would get close to playing together and then we stop for five minutes of talking... Not the greatest but we played OK and the people watching had fun.

When the radio show was over we did three more and we played that portion of the show a whole lot better (of course). I'm sure it all sounded fine but we have a history of crapping out when we are being recorded for a live show and that seems to hang heavily over some of "our" heads. It's almost a fuck up guarantee. The Hickoids fuck up guarantee.

If nothing else we got some free PR for ACL (starts today!) and that is a very good thing.

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