Thursday, May 12, 2016


I bummed another ride with Lance for this last one. It was only to San Antonio but since there was a backline we carpooled like responsible little Austinites.

The show was at San Antonio University. From what I heard it was the final for the RTF students. All I really know is we got paid before we played! Jacob was playing with Javier (who was up next) so he got up and Hickoided it for the set. Nice to have him back for the night. There was a fair amount of "reminding" going on, but he always catches up fast.

Our set was ok. At times we rocked it, but we are always a little behind reality when we play on a big stage and we need to rely on monitors. We are a club band. Someday we may get there...

Javier had a great set. There was a little bit of rain and a lot of lightning, but that added to the kick-assness! Rock and Roll in the rain is fucking great.

We were dry for the drive home and we made it back before midnight! I like easy/early gigs like this.

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