Friday, October 25, 2019


Crazy ass night of driving yesterday.  The Harvey band was playing at the Lonesome Rose in San Antonio at 9, a little earlier than usual.  That kinda guarantees a a traffic heavy slog from Austin.  I’ve done it enough times I’m used to that, but this rain came out of nowhere right at the beginning. And it came down hard the whole drive...  

Even when I loaded in and out it was a mad dash to avoid getting soaked further. It also got cold as fuck....  joy of joys.  

Our set was pretty good. First full set as a four piece and we played pretty good. The sound was a little weird and on occasion there would be some loud distortion coming through the monitors. It actually took me by surprise a couple of times and I screwed up what I was playing.  Weird. 

Then on the drive home 35 was closed heading north because there was a lake worth of water on the interstate.  So a usually less than three hour round trip turned in to a white knuckle six hour trudge.

Should be better going back tonight.  

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