Wednesday, September 28, 2011


San Antonio once again. It really is a great city for music. Austin gets all the press, but the crowds are so subdued. It's like everyone in the audience is thinking "Interesting concept" or "I'd play that differently/better". In SA people get rowdy and are ready to ROCK! This is even more evident when it's someones birthday.

Nightrockers. Generally this place is dead (at least when all the bands I play in are there) they have a PA that is about twice the size that the room needs. This can be a problem but for Belle's birthday folks came out. It sounded really good in there. The bill was Born to Lose, Los Number 3 Dinners, Churchwood and the Hickoids. Lots of sonic ass kicking and plenty of folks eating it up. Very nice.


Two beer tickets, lame. But enough folks wanted to buy me drinks that I was able to tie one on without hitting my wallet too hard.

Finally got a chance to use the new rig, it is so damn good. That TC is really powerful. I was next to a Fender twin that was cranked, LOUD and I still had no problem hearing myself. Number 3 and Churchwood used it too and both bass players said "And it has a built in tuner!"  It was in use for three bands and it never gave any trouble. Hell, it never even got hot! I now understand how it's got such a great reputation. What I really don't understand is how my old Ashdown head was supposed to be a match for that cabinet I've been using.

The TC killed it.

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