Friday, January 27, 2012


Last Sunday I had both Casters and Hickoids rehearsals. Nothin is to spectacular with that, both bands have three members in common,  the strange thing was both bands have new drummers.

Lance Farley is now a Hickoid. Jonie Hell is out for the season and we needed a fill so it's all Lance. We "stole" him from the Fishermen. He will make a fine Hickoid.
The Casters situation is a little sketchy but Steve McCarthy is in with that combo. He was one of the original drummers from 15ish years ago and one hell of an improvement.

It saw a sweaty six hours locked away in the music lab, but it was totally worth it.

As an aside the first shows of the year are this weekend at the roller derby. Me and the ladies open it up and the Casters at halftime. It should provide for some decent blog fodder.

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