Saturday, July 23, 2011


Double trifecta day two. The Gay Sportscasters played The Triple Crown in San Marcos last night. We were sans dancers and even though I thought people wouldn't dig it (I figure most folks come to watch the "mammarian force field") they did. We actually played like a real band instead of some guys who know some songs and play on occasion.

The Reaction was on the bill with Attic Ted (one of Wade's old bands) and the Jocks. When the 'casters were playing "Get Down Tonight" (yes, we do some really awful tunes) an old fried was dancing ala John Travolta right in front of me. I completely lost it and stopped playing for a few bars. It's a little different than Smitty's usual screwing with me, he just sticks that smelly ass mic in my face (or something similar). Seeing "The Travolta" took me by complete surprise.


Got two drink tickets and bought one extra beer for $2.50. Not bad or great.

On the first song Smitty's mic didn't work so while the sound guy was swapping it out Smitty jumped on mine. Nasty!

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