Tuesday, October 22, 2013


HIcks and the Beaumonts at Riley's. When you make the drive down to Hunter TX you turn right by the "Zone de Erotic" on I-35 to get there. It's about the mid point between Austin and SA. Nice and easy.

We loaded up and played our "country" set. It's not a big arty city's rock and roll club. It's a roadhouse out in the sticks. Leave the punk rock for the next show. We played ok and had a few high points and then we started "Truck".

Smitty picked up five $2 cowboy hats and five pairs of $1 sunglasses at a Halloween store and in the breakdown we put them on and became the Beaumonts! It was glorious. Smitty was waving his hands around and singing just like Troy Wayne. He had all of the Beaumonts were laughing their asses off. Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on stage.

It's pretty hard to top that so we wrapped it up and the Lads from central Lubbock took over. They'd whipped about half way through their set when I decided to head for home.

Smitty told me they played "Drinkin" and Troy Wayne took his shirt off on the last song like they were Hickoids. I'm not sure If I believe him, but I figured I'd better put it in this post anyway. If it happened I missed some serious gold. If not I hope it happens soon!

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