Friday, October 11, 2013

A little bit about the new video.

Just a couple of notes about the video for "Wonderful".

It's a pretty good two and a half minute representation of us. Sure the sound stinks, it's a little hard to see that there are four people on stage and I screw up a couple of the lyrics, but I think it's great! It looks and (pretty much) sounds like us. We've been needing some "film" for a while now.

I wrote this tune more than five years ago (I don't really remember when). Back when I was just playing solo and writhing about a song a week. Loads of bad ones but still one a week. Back then this tune had a chorus that came in twice, once after each verse. I decided to ditch the chorus and have the drums come in twice as hard on the solos. It works!

It dosen't always... When I'm writing songs or coming up with arrangements for "The Ladies" I'm sitting around the house with a guitar imagining the two drum parts and the bass part and how they will match up with the guitar part I am playing right then. The end result rarely sounds like what was in my head, but we always get somewhere I like. "Wonderful" is a perfect example of that.

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