Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Double show Saturday night!

Kicking March off the right way. Hickoids started things off at the http://www.samopc.org/ . The show was going to be us and the Uranium Savages, but age must have depleted the Savages beyond their half-life because they never made it out. A couch can really get a hold of you.

The museum is a pretty cool place with a ton of pictures and gig posters. They even had food! For Free!

We did our thing. Instead of our typical "make it up as we go" we are attempting to play a "set (as in written up beforehand and actually sticking to it). We are getting closer to that being a reality. By the time we get to Europe we will be a machine. A machine with a few old parts that makes a weird rattling sound, but still a machine.

Bigfoot Chester at the Frontier. It's Bigfoot's second show this year (#3 on Saturday!) and we whipped it. Everything was a little fast and leaning towards to the train wreck side of things, but we kept it on the good side of chaos.

While Davy and I were playing the first show the other guys did a little rehearsal without us. Always a bad plan. 3/5 are playing one way and the other 2/5 are playing another. At least there was beer to smooth out the edges.


The museum's bar is donation based. A very fair/kind setup. If you are broke you can just pay a little and if you are flush you can pay off some of your guilt from when you were broke. Nice system.

Frontier was kind with beer once again.

I like free beer.

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